A long week and its end

The pace of life and our mission appears to have increased. One would think that with our vast (ahem) experience in the office, we would be on top of everything by now, well organized and generally imperturbable. It hasn't been like that. We seem to be pushing ourselves harder and harder, and are truly grateful for the remarkably good health with which we have been blessed. We are working our heads off, but are still managing to enjoy ourselves, mostly. With the last transfer, we found ourselves working a twelve- day week. Our Saturday P-Day evaporated into a working day, and we came into the office straight from our Ward responsibilities on the Sunday. Richard worked in the office while I yoyoed between the office and helping to prepare a farewell dinner for the departing missionaries. It was all the Lord's work we were doing, but it still felt a little weird doing office work on a Sunday. The biggest trigger for all this extra work was (wait for it) Introducing Smartphon...