And a Corking good time was had by all

One of the old-timey cliche's of British children's literature was, "And a corking good time was had by all at the seaside, and home in time for iced buns and hot cocoa" Despite being decades out of fashion this is not a bad description of our expedition to Cork, Ireland--except of course we spent five nights away, not just a summer afternoon. So it wasn't buns, but multiple meals and treats, Oh, yes and it wasn't cocoa, it was very much 21st century hot chocolate, rich, thick and creamy--much better than the cocoa of my youth. There was bags of children's English literature before the modern Harry Potter craze, and both of us were brought up on it. It was our duty to read Afrikaans novels from time to time growing up ("Trompie" wasn't bad), but the English schoolboy and schoolgirl tales we thrived on were sheer joy. A few weeks ago the Mission President and Richard decided together that it would be a good idea for the Helps' to atten...