Peace and wheels

A pair of missionary sisters asked me for bikes. This is a not-unusual but somewhat frustrating request. I would love to give them bikes but I can't. There are bikes in the mission, of course, but I can't send a couple of them to these missionaries because the all the mission bikes are (a) being used already or (b) so far away that transporting them is not feasible or (c) broken. Buying bikes for missionaries is a nice idea but challenging because a decent pair of bikes costs more than £1000.00. With this in mind I was wandering through Costco and saw they were having a bicycle sale! They had bikes for £180.00! Much to my surprise they were decent trail bikes, very lightweight, good construction and good equipment. So I cheerfully bought a couple of bikes and spent a happy few hours in the mission office garage de-boxing and assembling them. There's something very peaceful and Zen-like about working on a bike, and it's doubly satisfying when it's a ne...