Thanksgiving with a feast of acronyms.
Some of the Senior missionaries (SM's) decided that it would be a good idea for as many of the SM's as possible to get together for a Real American Thanksgiving Meal (RATM). It started off being planned for the Chapel Next To The Mission Home (CNTTMH), moved next door to the MH, (guess - you may be right) bounced back to the CNTTMH, and finally, a day or two prior to the event, settled at the MH, which is much nicer than the CNTTMH. All of this was associated with various tweaks to the mission calender. OK, right now you may feel about these acronyms pretty much the way some of us feel about turkey, so we will stop, apart from the occasional leftover. Firstly, there was a sign-up list, so we could each sign up to prepare whatever we would like for the RATM. We signed up for mashed potato and cranberry sauce, partially because we like our version of both, and partially because we had to pick something that required minimal preparation on the morning of the RATM, and partially ...