Bo'ness and Blackness

As we have travelled in the Stirling area we kept seeing signs for Bo'ness. This seemed an odd name on a sign, although not as odd as the Native American names on street signs in Vancouver, Canada, which use the digit 7 as a indicator for a glottal stop. This didn't seem that weird, but we did wonder what Bo'ness was, or what it was an abbreviation for. So we went to have a look. Bo'ness from the harbou The name, ( quite obviously, don't you know ) is an abbreviation for Borrowstounness, or the town (toun) near Beornweard's farmstead, which is near the headland (ness). Well, that seems perfectly reasonable, and also a good reason to just put Bo'ness on roadsigns, after all they would have to raise taxes to pay for all the signs saying "Near Beornweard's farmstead-toun-ness", and there would be safety hazards from distracted motorists trying to read all that while driving by, so Bo'ness it is. Puddleglum On visiting it Bo...