Scottish engineering does it again!

Saturday we visited the Falkirk wheel. This was something we have been looking forward to for some time. It was closed when we arrived in Scotland, and has been open for a couple of months now. We decided that we were going, rain or shine. The weather chose rain. Falkirk Wheel. Boat entering lower gondola We invited our new mission president, Pres Macdonald and his wife and daughter to go with us and we hope that a good time was had by all. Having invited people to accompany us, we instantly felt responsible for the general jollification, and our instinctive reaction was to bring food with us. We took along home-made Eccles cakes and apples and pears. Eccles cakes are utterly delicious and not in the least healthy, so we hoped the fruit would somehow cancel out the effects of the pastries. Have you ever had Eccles cakes? We discovered them when we were in the Lake District in 2012, and from that time onward have purchased them whenever and wherever they have been avail...