Much Depends on the Weather.

The weather was looking mighty promising Saturday before last - promising rain, that is - so we cancelled our tentative plan to go for a cruise on Loch Lomond, and decided to visit Stirling Castle instead. The castle only opens at 9:30 am, but we decided to travel up early, as we had some mail to deliver to the local missionaries. So off we set on our peregrinations. Last time we went to Stirling, in 2012, we took the long route, so we could drive over the Forth Road Bridge, and admire the iconic red Forth (rail) Bridge off to the east of us. This time we decided to drive the more direct route. It was still quite early as we approached Stirling - not quite 8:30, so we put off phoning the missionaries as long as we could. They are supposed to be all showered and fed and exercised and ready for the day by 8:30 am, so after that time we feel we can call with impunity. (We still sometimes phone before that time, but our earlier calls are decidedly lacking in said impunity.) Finally we...