It rhymes with Hollywood, but is much muddier...

Holyrood park is ... interesting. Set near the middle of the city, it is quite wild except for being criss-crossed by decidedly civilised roads and walking paths. The roads are rather heavily travelled (ie busy) in spite of the 20 mile per hour speed limit, largely because going through the park tends to be a universal short cut (just as cutting through BYU used to be a short cut for so many in Provo). The walking/running paths are scarcely less busy. We happened to drive through the park close to lunch time yesterday, and saw hundreds of people out walking on the various trails. The runners (dozens rather than hundreds) tend to dominate the scene when we usually drive through the park, at about 7 am and again between 6 and 7 pm. We also go walking (or sometimes, in Richard's case, running) in the park at about 6 am, or at a slightly more civilised 7 am on Saturdays or for a decidedly civilised amble at 9am or later on Sundays. This is a new development for Louise as she is r...