Memorials and Tolerance

On Saturday we went touring. Covenanters monument Our first stop was just a few miles away, the Covenanter's Monument. All there is, is a column plus a dedicatory stone, so worn now as to be practically unreadable. It stands beside the road with very little fanfare but represents an important chunk of Scottish history. Covenanters were Scottish Protestants who took a covenant that supported their religious ideas and rejected the papacy and religious practices of the Catholic Church. This led to a number of bloody confrontations as the politics, royalty and religion of England, Ireland and Scotland swung between Catholicism and Protestantism in the 16th and 17th centuries. The memorial reflects a bloody period when a number of Covenanters were killed. Neither side in this conflict is without blame and it seems a great argument for a little more tolerance, which was a good introduction for our next visit of the morning and which deserves its own heading Rosslyn Chapel W...